Key events in the domain of Command, Control, Computer, Communications and Intelligence for Homeland Defense and Homeland Security applications. Technology reviews, product insights, contract awards, news reports, and press releases.
December 16, 2011
NATO Air Command and Control Information Services project passes the Critical Design Review
News Report
As reported on NC3A Newsroom, the NATO Air Command and Control Information Services project (AirC2IS) has successfully passed the Critical Design Review milestone and produced a solid design for the first of three AirC2IS implementation increments. This blue sky system implementation is unique for NATO: designed according to the NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC) tenets, it will operate, in the ever changing coalition environment, as the air functional service of the Bi-Strategic Command Automated Information System (Bi-SC AIS).
The System
The purpose of the AirC2IS system is to provide the NATO Air Operations Staff with an integrated, robust and flexible capability for the planning, analysis, monitoring and coordination of air operations. The AirC2IS capability will be used by Allied strategic and operational HQs established under the NATO Command Structure including: the Allied Command Operations, Joint Force Commands and Component Commands. It is also expected that the AirC2IS capability will be used by Combined Joint Task Force HQs, High Readiness Force HQs, Crises Response Operations forces, coalitions and other supporting activities, as authorised.
The system will also support distributed air planning and execution across all component commands. Allied Transformation Command (ACT) will use AirC2IS capabilities for transformation experimentation related to Air C2 and for training and exercise as well.
The AirC2IS is intended to operate as a fully integrated component of the NATO Bi-Strategic Command (Bi-SC) Automated Information System (AIS) and to serve as a baseline for future enhancement. The services provided by the AirC2IS are required to complement the Bi-SC AIS core services with an integrated and supported suite of Air C2 services, capable of supporting the work of Air staffs at all static and deployable Command Facilities of the NATO Command Structure.
AirC2IS will be NATO’s first Network Enabled Capability by design.It will be a system that is forward looking and will equip the operational users to face the changing NATO environment and security challenges. This modern implementation will set a benchmark for future NATO Bi-SC AIS Functional Services.The project will deliver a key component of the NATO active layered theatre ballistic missile defence (ALTBMD) Initial Operational Capability and provide a foundation which may be leveraged in the future for Missile Defence.
In accordance with the NATO AirC2IS Capability Package, the project is implemented based on a Spiral Development approach that will be executed in three increments to complete the AirC2IS capability. Each increment should provide an integral, usable, and operationally-fielded capability. The AirC2IS Increment 1 (AirC2IS-1) capability is also envisioned to expose those services and products needed by other Bi-SC AIS functional areas, such as the Air Operations Directive (AOD), Air Space Control Order (ACO), Recognized Air Picture, and reporting of air order of battle information.
The initial AirC2IS baseline is scheduled to be piloted at two operational sites in the fourth quarter of 2012, andd an initial operational capability, installed at all sites, is expected by second quarter 2013.
The signature ceremony for the Air C2IS contract was held on last January 2001, between NC3A and Siemens IT Solutions and Services Turkey.
Reference: NC3A (1,2)
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